• We meet every other week via video conference and three to four times a year for in-person events.

  • Deep commitment to your growth and learning. Call attendance. Actively engaging with your sistering partners. Completing and presenting your Balance Sheet at events or by video conference if you're unable to attend in person. Attending as many events as possible as our events create the most immediate transformations and paradigm shifts. Commitment to both giving support to your sisters as well as receiving support from them. A willingness to share all of your expertise and wisdom. A willingness to listen with gratitude to all members offering their gifts and advice. Reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and completing the online training. Agreeing to abide by these agreements to the best of your ability. Remaining open to hearing things that may be uncomfortable and being willing to shift your perspective. Playing full out in sisterhood and also in your life!

  • Community and support, continuous learning and personal development, sisterhood, new travel opportunities, vehicles for financial growth and knowledge, support and accountability, and so much more!

  • We are the most affordable high-level mastermind we know of. Contact us for more information.

  • You're engaged or have been engaged (retirees are welcome!) in some type of business activity such as investing, starting a business, or an established career. You have the financial means to pay the membership dues and both the time and money to attend a couple of our retreats a year. A deep commitment to your own growth and expansion in every aspect of your life. An open mind with respect for opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. A willingness to abide by The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. A desire for deep, fulfilling relationships with other women. A willingness to be both a mentor and a mentee.

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